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Terms &

Moon – decentralized real-time virtual Lunar World simulating metaverse build on Binance Smart Chain. The game-type inspired platform combines concepts of Play-to-Earn + Play-to-Learn for exploring the surface, revealing the Dark Side mysteries, leveling up in-game, and assuring lifetime passive income based on NFT land-powered multiplayer space colonization. 
The game allows users to explore the surface, reveal the mysteries of the Dark Side, discover and exploit the resources, and own a land plot on the Moon. Landowners may build real estate, establish companies, hire in-game experts and maximize their global influence, but will have to study and improve skills, research, and calculate the outcomes. Funds can get multiplied by buying, renting, selling your land hexes, and earning in-game tokens from taxes, combined with inter-planet trading of resources. 
This is the Moon surface simulation where players drive the economy, conflicts, and their reputation. The platform is based on blockchain technology to provide users with the earning, selling, trading functions. Players can enjoy passive income, in-game interaction with other players, control, live, evolve, and win in the game universe. The service is running on the network supported by LLC Bright Projects.
We would like to make sure that you, as a user of our services, are aware of and accepting all terms before using the App or website. By using the service and installing the app, you confirm you have read this agreement; you understand its meaning & intent within general legal limitations imposed on companies nowadays with regards to automated texts opting into online contracts.
Moon is a part of Metaverse Ecosystem, which allows players of Ertha, Venus, and other joined planets to travel, trade, and interact in the VR space network created and supported by LLC Bright Projects.
The network uses smart contracts, and the application allows users to own, trade, transfer, and upgrade digital land. The interaction with the app and site enables users to purchase the NFT lands, control those ownership rights, and manage transactions.
The information on the site is not intended to be distributed or used by any third-party person or entity in any jurisdiction or country. Using the game and the website means that your blockchain address is made publicly visible when the platform is used. It is advised to have privacy in mind. You get the license to use our services provided for you on the website and the application. This is a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license.


When you install the game and agree to the contract of the Moon, you agree to these terms and conditions. This is also the start of the legally binding contract with Moon game/ LLC Bright Projects. Thoroughly read through these terms and conditions to get an understanding of all the agreements that you accept. When the user account is created, you must be at least 18 years old. If not, parent permission is needed for players under the age limit. This is the important factor before both parties involved get legally bound by the agreement. Orders cannot be placed when the user is younger than 13. The legal guardian or parent must issue a permit and supervise the usage of the game and service when the minor is under 18. All risks related to the usage are assumed by the parent or legal guardian of the minor.
You need to create an account to use the service on the website. Creating the user account requires personal information that, when provided, should be up-to-date. Purchasing requires having the blockchain address added to your account. User name, password, other confidential information should be kept private, and this is the players’ responsibility. It is also up to users to keep usernames and passwords appropriate without anything obscene. Community guidelines should be considered when choosing the user name because we can remove anything that is inappropriate or indecent.
Inappropriate and prohibited behavior

  • You shouldn’t use the site or the application for any other purpose than it is made.
  • There shouldn’t be any commercial endeavors in play unless a legally binding agreement is issued with LLC Bright Projects.
  • Users agree not to use any software or something from a third party that can negatively affect the usage and enjoyment of the app.
  • Advantages including generating, automatic aspects, farming are prohibited since such acts affect other players’ experiences.
  • Collecting usernames, email addresses using robots or other methods is not allowed.
  • You are not allowed to interfere with the security features of the application or site.
  • Copying content, tricking, deceiving campaigns, and scams to obtain user information is prohibited.
    Impersonating users, making improper requests to your support, or creating false reports is not a welcomed activity.
  • You are not allowed to sell or transfer the user profile otherwise.
  • Any interference with the app or site like deciphering or reverse engineering of the software can end up in banning. You cannot compromise the app or website, sell or use information obtained from the service.Harassment, threatening behavior towards other players, employees, other service providers on the site is not allowed.
  • Users are not allowed to copy, delete, and adapt the information on the app or website in any case.
    Installing, downloading, transmitting anything with the purpose of spreading malware and different material is prohibited.
  • Spamming that can be excessive use of capital letters; repetition of text, exclamation points on the site interferes with the use of service and is prohibited.
  • When the behavior and the app or site usage are not consistent with applicable laws, users can get banned from the service.


The application and service can use third-party apps like Telegram or Discord to communicate with users. Game forums, in-game chat can also be used for such purposes. You are advised to limit discussions to relevant topics and keep all the posts appropriate. We have the right to remove any abuse, offensive content found within the community. Insults and personal attacks are not allowed and will be removed. You agree that suggestions, comments, questions, and ideas will be communicated to us directly. Any ideas and submissions become ours exclusively without the compensation due in return. When you make suggestions, you agree that there shouldn’t be any recourse against us for copyright. 


It is possible to buy or sell items on the app and the website. If you want to create a listing for an item that includes its price, then it’s important to provide as many details about your product when creating. When purchasing from someone else’s listing buyer, beware: all sales must meet pay whatever was listed; otherwise, legal issues may arise due to fraud.

You are in complete control of the transaction, so you know what happens during each step from start to finish. There’s no agreement with either party when the app is used. We have no control over how they behave or what happens during their interaction on our platform – from both descriptions for items being sold as well as delivery! This includes payment methods too – there are many payment methods available. We take a cut from all these transactions in fees.

When you’re in the business of selling things, there are always risks involved. We want to help take care of those worries by providing a payment collection agent that will receive payments from buyers and deposit them directly into your account should anything go wrong with any order placed via our system – think about how it’s like acting on behalf for yourself, so if someone makes an unauthorized purchase through one way or another they’ll still be sending money towards what was purchased instead!


Items can be purchased on the website and via the application. Items are offers with their price at the time of purchase which includes any charges/taxes. Every item purchased is chosen by the user and you get the item that you choose. The process for buying these items couldn’t be simpler. You need to link your crypto wallet, have the items chosen, and transfer the funds. The smart contract is for insurance that we are not influencing what you are getting. All purchases are individual. All the processes are happening according to your Terms & Conditions.

We check purchase details before transactions on the site or app and complete orders, so users get all the information needed. That includes order numbers, contract details, and transaction information. There are particular transactions that help owners of Hex land earn income from:

  1. Employment Tax (Salary portion that is paid by the employer)
  2. Sales Tax (Purchaser tax when buying goods from the market)
  3. Company Fees (Company building, repairs, upgrades)
  4. Companies Revenue (Sold items, job contract fines, penalty taxes)
  5. Warehouse Fees (Warehouse building and upgrades)
  6. Delivery Fees (Goods delivery into a specific warehouse in an owned HEX)
  7. Airfare Fees (Flight tickets)

Prices and fees

Completing the purchase on the application or the website requires a fee issued for us via one of the possible payment methods. Credit cards, cryptocurrency are available on the service. These transactions go through the blockchain network. The purchase prices need to get paid for each item that the user selects. All prices are listed on the application or the website. You choose the payment method when transferring the total.
It is not negotiable that you need to pay all included Transaction Fees. We do not control these, and the blockchain network is responsible for the service. Taxes and other additional fees will be determined, and those can depend on the source where the money comes or goes.


You are free to terminate these Terms if you find the need to. We can provide the opportunity for this. The account can be suspended if you do not follow the rules and policies listed on the site. You can appeal the decision by providing us a message 3 days after the initial notice about the suspension. The service provider has the right to deny any access and the use of the site, application, other services related to the smart contract. Reasons can include the breaking terms in these terms & conditions, breaching representation warranty, behaving as it is prohibited. We can remove the account, terminate the access to use and participation without any notice or warning.
If these terms are terminated, you can no longer access the application, site, and other services. We are not responsible for any damage or losses. If anything like this happens, it is not negotiable. Suspended accounts also mean that you, as a user, are prohibited from registering the new user account under the same name. We also can take legal actions if anything offensive happens.


By using the Site, App, and Smart Contracts, you agree to be bound by all applicable laws of Lithuania.
Promotional and discount codes
We may offer discounts and run promotional campaigns. You will be able to claim a promotional discount for items if you enter the promo code at checkout on our website/app when it is active. Particular discounts can be active or promo codes provided during a specific time of the year. The conditions of use are stated on our app and site before they’re given out to users so please make sure to read them thoroughly. Anything like this will have particular conditions at the time of use.

Third parties

While using the app or any related service, users should take caution because of the limitations and risks associated. Our services may not work as expected due to downtime on any platform you use when trying to access them via this app- including your ability to enter transactions; third parties like Google impacting an individual’s experience accessing us through these platforms (especially if there has been no recent update); network uptime playing into how long it takes our service respond.

We will continue to own all the intellectual property developed, adapted, and modified by us throughout our agreement. Our Intellectual Property is exclusive, so we don’t want you infringing on any third party’s rights through using it in your business or personal endeavors without permission first!

It’s important that you respect our intellectual property. Do not copy or use any of the app’s features without permission from us! It would also be a really bad idea to try reverse-engineering an Android version of this application because it could lead to violating various rights related to these applications. Lastly, please don’t frame/embed these properties on other websites – they belong to us!

We appreciate you taking the time to understand our terms of use and reading these facts. This application is only for your personal enjoyment, and it cannot be used in any manner outside of what we have outlined here- otherwise, no permission has been given, nor will consent ever be sought.

You agree that we may publicly release your Analytics data. You understand the information must be anonymous and compiled with enough sample size so as not to identify any one person or entity in particular- but for every user of our service, there will always be some level of identification available through them. 

Intellectual property

Our website and all of its content are proprietary to us, including source code on both the site, the app, as well as Smart Contracts. We own several trademarks along with copyrighted material that you should assume we have full rights over unless it’s explicitly reported elsewhere in this document! We don’t want anyone else making money off our hard work, so please follow these Terms of Use.
You may not copy any part or parts of the website without permission from us; reproducing anything (including screenshots) requires proper attribution. These Terms of Use prohibit copying, reproducing, aggregating, or republishing any part of the website for commercial purposes. The smart contract is an interface that allows buyers and sellers to interact with each other without having a middleman involved in between them; it’s also where you can find all rights not stated explicitly here reserved at our discretion by holding onto them!
We are not the owners of your information. You still have rights to it, including copies or modifications made by you, and as long as we follow strict privacy guidelines in order not to violate any laws, then there’s nothing stopping us from developing other services around these files without using personal data like names which might cause problems for people who don’t want them sniffed around too.
You represent and warrant that you have obtained all necessary rights, releases, and permissions to provide your Data. Your authorization for the transfer of data does not violate any Laws, nor do they infringe on anyone’s Intellectual Property Rights. Our use is authorized in these Terms – it also won’t affect privacy or publicity laws adversely either!


Regardless of anything in the Terms, we will not be liable for more than what you paid us. We are also not responsible if something happens on our site and it’s your fault. The app is a one-time purchase with no recurring monthly fees. If something happens to your device, we’re not going to pay for the damages or losses caused by using our service – this means if you break it on purpose, it’s your sole responsibility.
Lastly, there are limitations as far as what kinds of things can happen: anything related directly associated will be fully covered (i.e., damage) but other factors such as personal injury may fall outside these terms which covers them instead under another contract between parties entered into before any occurrence. We are not liable for anything that happens outside of our control. We have no responsibility if something goes not quite as it was anticipated.
You agree and acknowledge that we have made the website, app available to you. We are entering into these terms in reliance upon certain warranties disclaimers that reflect a reasonable allocation of risk between us. Without such limits on our liability as provided by law would not be able to provide this without it being limited by law for your protection!


It is important to understand that you are utilizing the site, app, or smart contracts at your own risk. There may be errors in these products which could cause damage and hurt either yourself or someone else who uses them! We cannot guarantee their safety, but they will try our best, so please think carefully before using them – we aren’t perfect after all. 
The Site, the App, and Smart Contracts may not be suitable for your needs. Without limiting the generality of what we’ve said above about our site is available to you without interruption or error, we don’t represent that everything on there will suit all requirements – because it isn’t possible! We also cannot ensure: your access (or use) is uninterrupted – timely nor free from errors in any way whatsoever, either while browsing through pages/ content at home using a desktop computer browser. The reason for this – some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties in a contract with consumers.
You agree to the inherent risks of doing business online, but we are here for you. This includes providing a secure network that protects your information from potential breaches or hackers who want access in order to steal sensitive data such as passwords and credit card numbers!
Users should always make sure that their private keys are backed up and not stored anywhere unless they’re willing to take full responsibility for the consequences. It’s also a good idea if you can update personal informational passwords, as well as the app and OS regularly since newer versions will fix any security holes in their software. A company can be seen as an asset that exists only by virtue of its own record maintained on a network. All smart contracts are conducted and occur within this system, where they interact with other app owners to transfer resources between each other based on certain rules programmed into their code.
LLC Bright Projects has no control over the smart contracts on the blockchain networks or any other feature of our platform. We cannot be responsible for losses due to blockchains and electronic wallets used with this game. So even though it’s not possible now, as a matter of fact, these things happen sometimes. Any fund losses may still come up eventually because there is the possibility of occurring problems within the blockchain network like forks in technology nodes.

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